and Religion
Media Contacts
Updated January 29th, 2004
Apartado Postal 6-641
06600, Mexico, D.F.
Phone: (52) 5804-7508
FAX: (52) 5804-7558/59
Telex: 1772023 CIMTME
(From January 1 through August 31)
Texas A&M University
Department of Soil & Crop Sciences
College Station, Texas 77843-2474
Phone (979)845-8247
FAX (979)845-0456
(From September 1 through December 31)
DATE OF BIRTH: March 25, 1914
NAME OF WIFE: Margaret Gibson
NAME OF CHILDREN: Norma Jean (Laube) and William G.
- BS Forestry, University of Minnesota, 1937
- MS Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, 1940
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, 1942
- The U. S. Forest Service, 1935-38
- Instructor, University of Minnesota, 1941
- Microbiologist, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, 1942-44
- Research Scientist in charge Wheat Improvement in Cooperative Mexican
Agricultural Program (O.E.E.), a joint dependency of Mexican Ministry
of Agriculture and Rockefeller Foundation, 1944-1960
- Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation, assigned to Inter-American
Food Crop Program, 1960-63; to CIMMYT, 1964-1982
- Consultant and collaborator to Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Agricolas (I.N.I.A.), Mexican Ministry of Agriculture, 1960-64
- Consultant Food and Agriculture Organization of U.N. (F.A.O.) in North
Africa and Asia, 1960
- Director of Wheat Research and Production Program, International Maize
and Wheat Improvement Center, (CIMMYT), 1964-79; Acting Director, 1981
- Ex-Officio Consultant on Wheat Research and Production Problems to
many Governments in Latin America, Africa and Asia, 1960-
- Senior Consultant to CIMMYT, 1979 -
- Honorary Visiting Professor of the University of Minnesota (USA),
- The A. D. White Professor-at-Large Distinguished Professorship, Cornell
University (USA), 1983-85
- Distinguished Professor of International Agriculture, Department of
Soil & Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station,
Texas (USA), 1984
- Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology, Emory University,
Atlanta, Georgia (USA), 1991-1992
- President of Sasakawa Africa Association, 1986-
Member - Alpha Zeta, Xi Sigma Pi, Sigma Xi
Doctor of Science:
- Punjab Agricultural University (India), 1969
- Royal Norwegian Agricultural College (Norway), 1970
- Luther College (USA), 1970
- Kanpur University (India), 1970
- Uttar Pradesh Agricultural University (India), 1971
- Michigan State University (USA), 1971
- Universidad de la Plata (Argentina), 1971
- University of Arizona (USA), 1972
- University of Florida (USA), 1973
- Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile), 1974
- Universität Hohenheim (Germany), 1976
- Punjab Agricultural University, (Pakistan), 1978
- Columbia University, (USA), 1980
- Ohio State University (USA), 1981
- University of Minnesota (USA), 1982
- University of Notre Dame (USA), 1987
- Oregon State University (USA), 1988
- University of Tulsa (USA), 1991
- Washington State University (USA) 1995
- Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (India), 1996
- Indian Agricultural Research Institute (India), 1996
- De Montfort University, (United Kingdom), 1997
- Emory University, (U.S.A) 1999
- University of the Philippines, 1999
- University of Missouri, (USA), 2002
- Williams College, (USA), 2002
- Wartburg College (USA), 2003
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences:
- University of Agricultural Sciences (Godollo, Hungary), 1980
- Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan), 1981
- Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional
Pedro Henríquez Turena, República Dominicana, 1983
- Doctor en Ciencias, Honoris Causa Universidad Central del Este de
la República Dominicana, 1983
Doctor Humane Letters:
- Gustavus Adolphus College (USA), 1971
- Iowa State University (USA), 1992
Doctor of Law:
- New Mexico State University (USA), 1973
Doctor of Agriculture:
- Tufts University (USA), 1982
Doctor Honoris Causa:
- Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia), 1983
- Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1983
- Universidad de Cordoba (Spain), 1986
- Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), 1986
- Colegio de Postgraduados (Montecillo, Mexico), 1990
- Universitá degli Studi di Bologna (Italy), 1991
- Warsaw Agricultural University (Poland), 1993
- Bangladesh Agricultural University, 1998
- Universidad LaSalle-Noroeste (Mexico), 1999
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, (Spain), 2000
- Universidad de las Américas Puebla (Mexico), 2000
- Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (Mexico), 2001
- Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo (Mexico), 2001
- Chandra Shekhar Azad Krishi Evam Prodyoogic Vishwavid Yalaya
(Honoris Causa) (Kanpur, India), 2001
- The Outstanding Achievement Award, University of Minnesota (USA),
- Elvin Charles Stakman Award, University of Minnesota (USA), 1961
- University of Minnesota "M" (Athletic) Club Outstanding
Achievement Award (USA), 1971
- Award as Founding Member, the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Agrícolas, Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería
(México) 1964
- Recognition Award of Agricultural Institute of Canada, 1966
- Recognition Award, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
de Marcos Juárez (Argentina), 1968
- Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding (India),
- First International Service Award in Agronomy, American Society of
Agronomy (U.S.A), 1968
- Meritorious Service Award and Honorary Life Membership, American Association
of Cereal Chemists (USA), 1969
- Uncle of Paul Bunyan (Forestry), University of Minnesota (USA), 1969
- Scientific Service Award, El Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos
de México (México), 1970
- Diploma de Mérito, El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores de Monterrey (México), 1971
- Medalla y Diploma de Mérito "Antonio Narro" de la
Escuela Superior de Agricultura de la Universidad de Coahuila (México),
- Diploma as Distinguished Geneticist, Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenética
(México), 1971
- First Honorary Life Membership, American Society of Agronomy, Crop
Science (USA), 1971
- Honorary Member, Sociedad de Agronomía do Rio Grande do Sul
(Brazil), 1971
- Merit Award, Associacao dos Engenheiros Agronomos do Distrito Federal
do Brasil (Brazil), 1971
- Recognition Award, Punjab Agricultural Research Institute (Pakistan),
- Medal, Consultor Emeritos, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología
Agropecuaria (Argentina), 1971
- Diploma de Mérito, Escuela Superior de Agricultura "Hermanos
Escobar" (México), 1973
- Centennial Foreign Fellow, American Chemical Society (USA), 1976
- Lecturer, American Graduate School of International Management (USA),
1977, 1979, 1991
- First Honorary Life Membership, Bangladesh Botanical Society, 1978
- First Honorary Membership, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement
of Science (Bangladesh), 1978
- Jefferson Award, American Institute for Public Service (USA), 1980
- Agricultural Hall of Fame and Distinguished Service Award, Oregon
State University, (USA), 1981
- Honorary Member, Japan Society Promotion of Science (Japan), 1981
- Fellow, Crop Science Society of America, 1985
- Presidential Award, Crop Science Society of America, 1997
- Honorary Professor, China Agricultural University, 1999
- Honorary Member, Ingenieros Agrónomos del Centro y Canarias
(Spain), 1999
- National Award for Service to American and World Agriculture, National
Association of County Agricultural Agents (USA), 1999
- Mazorca de Oro (Golden Ear of Maize), Escuela Nacional de Agricultura
Roberto Quiñones, (El Salvador), 1999
- Public Welfare Medal, National Academy of Sciences, (USA), 2002
- The Philip Hauge Abelson Prize, American Association for the Advancement
of Science, ((USA), 2002
- Award for Distinguished Achievements to Science and Medicine, American
Council of Science and Health, (USA), 2003
- New York Athletic Club Fila Life-Time Achievement Award (Fila-International
Federation of Associated Wrestling), (USA), 2003
- John P. McGovern Award and Lectureship (Sigma Xi), (USA), 2003
- Distinguished Service Awards, Producer Associations and State Governments
from the Mexican States of Guanajuato, Querétaro, Sonora, Tlaxcala
and Zacatecas (México), 1954-60
- First "Golden Spike of Wheat Award" (Sonora, México),
- Distinguished Citizen Award, Cresco, Iowa (USA), Cresco Centennial
Committee, 1966
- The 1967 National Distinguished Service Award, American Agricultural
Editors Association (USA)
Sitara-I-Imtiaz (Star of Distinction), Government of Pakistan, 1968
- The 1968 Genetics and Plant Breeding Award, National Council of Commercial
Plant Breeders (USA)
- Citation and street named in his honor by Citizens of the State of
Sonora, and City and Rotary Club of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora (México),
- Distinguished Service Award by Wheat Farmers of the States of Punjab,
Haryana and Himachal Pradesh (India), 1969
- The 1969 Man of the Year, Independent Television of Britain (UK)
- Nobel Prize for Peace, 1970
- Cresco's Norman Borlaug Recognition Day, Chamber of Commerce of Cresco,
Iowa, 1970
- Iowan of the Year, Iowa Broadcasters Association, 1970
- Aztec Eagle, Government of México, 1970
- Governor's Distinguished Service Award, State of Iowa, 1970
- Professional Achievement Award, Sons of Norway (USA), 1970
- Outstanding Services Award and Proclamation of Norman E. Borlaug Day,
State of Minnesota Governor's March 2, 1971
- Honorary Citizen of Minneapolis (USA), 1971
- Service Award, Minnesota Wrestling Coaches Association (USA), 1971
- Dedication of a Sequoia gigantea in the Rotary Club Peace Grove, Berkeley,
California (USA), 1971
- The 1971 Gold Plate Award, American Academy of Achievement (USA),
- Service Award, by Farmers, Ejidatarios and Scientists of Coahuila
and Durango (México), 1971
- Honorary Membership in Rotary Clubs in Ciudad Obregón (México),
Balcarce and Marcos Juárez (Argentina), 1971
- Borlaug Statue Dedicated Beadle Park, Chamber of Commerce, Cresco,
Iowa, (USA), 1971
- Dedication Primary School "Norman E. Borlaug", Secretaría
de Educación Pública (México), 1971
- Award for Service to Agriculture, American Farm Bureau Federation,
1971 (USA)
- Outstanding Agricultural Achievement Award, World Farm Foundation
(USA), 1971
- Medal of Merit, Fiesta Nacional de Trigo (Argentina), 1971
- Service Medal, Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1971
- Service Medal and Golden Spike, San Gerónimo (Argentina), 1971
- Medal of Merit, State of Santa Fe (Argentina), 1971
- Medal of Merit, Citizens and Government of Balcarce (Argentina), 1971
- Medal of Merit, Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad de la Plata (Argentina),
- Honorary American Farmer Degree and Key, Future Farmers of America
(USA), 1971
- Honorary Consultant to Punjab Agricultural University of Lyallpur
(Pakistan), 1971
- Outstanding Achievement Award, Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce (USA),
- Achievement Award for Contribution to World Wheat Production, National
Association of Wheat Growers of USA, 1971
- The 1971 World Citizenship Award, by Des Moines Chamber of Commerce
- Outstanding Professional Achievement Award Gopher Peavy of College
Forestry, University of Minnesota, (USA), 1971
- Medal of Merit, Italian Wheat Scientists (USA), 1971
- Achievement Award and Honorary Citizen of Cedar Falls, Iowa (USA),
- Service Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Alleviation of World
Hunger, Eighth Latin American Food Production Conference (Brazil), 1972
- Medal of Merit, Gremial Nacional de Trigueros de Guatemala, 1973
- Recipient First Medical Medal of Merit and Bestowal of Knighthood,
by Knights of Malta (USA), 1973
- Award Bernardo O'Higgins bestowed by Government of Chile, 1974
- Presidential Medal of Freedom (USA), 1977
- America's Third Century Achievers Award in the Field of Agriculture,
Samsonite Corporation (USA), 1977
- The Iowa Award, (The Eight Recipient), State of Iowa (USA), 1978
- The 11th Fanny Harris Hartman Fellow, The Hockaday School, Texas (USA),
- The Hilal-I-Imtiaz Award (The Crescent of Distinction), Government
of Pakistan, 1978
- Achievement Award for Contributions to World Food Production, International
Association Phosphate Industries (I.S.M.A.) and Association of Fertilizer
Industries of Latin American (A.D.I.F.A.L.) (México), 1978
- V Premio Internazionale, Associazione Nazionale Stampa Agricola (Italy),
- Adventures in Agricultural Science Award of Distinction, The IX International
Congress of Plant Protection and United States Department of Agriculture
(USA), 1979
- Appreciation Award for Thirty-Five Years of Dedicated Effective Service
to International Agriculture and the Well-Being of Mankind Throughout
the World. The Trustees and Staff of the Rockefeller Foundation (USA),
- Recognition for Sustained Service to Humanity Through Outstanding
Contributions in Plant Breeding Award, Governors Conference on Agriculture
Innovations, Little Rock, Arkansas (USA), 1984
- Henry G. Bennet Distinguished Service Award, Oklahoma State University,
(USA), 1984
- Paul Harris Fellow, by Rotary Foundation of Rotary International,
- Premio de Servicio Orden de Cristo, (Portugal), 1986
- President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
(USA), 1990-1993.
- Honorary Rector of the University of Dubuque (USA), 1992-93
- Department of State's Certificate of Appreciation, (USA), 1997
- The Sowers Award, Rural Ministers of Evangelican Lutheran Church in
America, 1999
- Recognition Award for Contributions to World Wheat and Maize Research
and Production, Republic of El Salvador, 1999
- Dedication Norman E. Borlaug Center for Southern Crop Improvement,
Texas A&M University, 1999
- Memorial Centennial Medal of the N. I. Vavilov Research Institute
of Plant Industry (Russia) 2000
- National Academy of Sciences of USA, 1968
- Foreign Member, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,
- Honorary Academician, Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria
de Argentina, 1971
- Honorary Foreign Academician of N. I. Vavilov Academy of Agricultural
Sciences of the Lenin Order (USSR), 1971
- Foreign Member, Indian National Science Academy (India), 1973
- Distinguished Fellow, Iowa Academy of Sciences (USA), 1975
- Honorary Member, The American Academy of Arts & Sciences (USA),
- Honorary Member, Royal Society of Edinburgh (UK), 1976
- Honorary Member, Royal Agricultural Society of England (UK), 1976
- Foreign Member, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (Bangladesh), 1978
- Honorary Member, Hungarian Academy of Science (Hungary), 1980
- Foreign Honorary Member, Pakistan Academy of Sciences (Pakistan),
- Member, Third World Academy of Sciences, 1985
- Foreign Member, Royal Society (London), 1987
- Foreign Member, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1988
- Honorary Member, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 1988
- Honorary Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 1994
- Honorary Member, Mexican Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Honorary Member, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe
Ionescu-Sisesti", (Romania), 1994
- Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1996
- Honored Professor, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
- Full Member (Academician), Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, 1998
- Honorary Member, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, 2003
- Director, Population Crisis Committee, (USA), 1971-
- Asesor Especial, Fundación para Estudios de La Población,
A. C. (México), 1971
- Member, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (C.A.S.T.)
(USA), 1973-
- Member, Advisory Council of Renewable Natural Resources Foundation
(USA), 1973
- Member, Citizen's Commission on Science, Law and Food Supply (USA),
- Member, Commission on Critical Choices for Americans (USA), 1973-74
- Board of Trustees, International Food Policy Research Institute (I.F.P.R.I.)
(USA), 1976-82
- Member, Presidential Commission on World Hunger (USA), 1978-79
- Board of Directors, American Council on Science and Health (USA),
- Advisor, The Population Institute (USA), 1978
- Board of Trustees, Winrock International (U.S.A.), 1982-1990
- Director, Population Communications International (USA), 1985-94
- President, Council of The Foundation for the Development of Polish
Agriculture, 1988-1993
- Board of Trustees , Pan-American School of Agriculture "Zamorano"
(Honduras), 1992-1997
- International Advisory Counsel, Population Communications International,
- Inaugural Lecturer, Leonard Klinck Memorial Lecture (Canada), 1965
- McDougal Memorial Lecturer (F.A.O.), 1971
- Inaugural Lecturer and Medal Recipient of the Dr. Sterling B. Hendrick's
Memorial Lectureship (USA), 1981
- National Award for Agricultural Excellence (in Science) National Agri-Marketing
Association (USA), 1982
- Distinguished Achievement Award in Food and Agricultural Sciences,
Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, (USA), 1982
- Honorary Citizen of the State of Sonora (Mexico), 1983
- The A.D. White Professor-at-Large Distinguished Professor, Cornell
University, (USA), 1983-85
- Life Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation (USA), 1983
- Profesor Honorario, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinarias,
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (República Dominicana),
- Chief Guest, Awards Ceremonies of the Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation (Bombay,
India), 1983
- Inauguration of the Norman E. Borlaug Centro de Capacitación
y Formación de Agricultores, Corporación Gestora del Proyecto
"Abapó-Izozog", Santa Cruz (Bolivia), 1983
- Appointment as "Miembro Corresponsal", Consejo Argentino
para las Relaciones Internacionales, 1983
- Honorary Member of the National Agricultural Hall of Fame, Bonner
Springs, Kansas (USA), 1984
- Elected Charter Member to the WCCO Minneapolis TV/Radio - Honor Role
of Distinguished Good Neighbors, (USA), 1984
- First Golden Harvest Award, International Minerals and Chemicals Corporation
(USA), 1984
- Dedication Agricultural Science Building-Borlaug Hall-on the St. Paul
Campus of the University of Minnesota, (USA), 1985
- Inaugural Lecturer of The E. T. York Distinguished Lecture Series,
University of Florida (USA), 1985
- The Presidential World Without Hunger Award: Category Educator/Scientist
(USA), 1985
- Elected to Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame (USA), 1986
- Dedication Borlaug Building at International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Center (CIMMYT) Headquarters (El Batán, México), 1986
- Lord Medal (Category Basic Need), Lord Corporation (USA), 1987
- The 1988 Americas Award, The Americas Foundation (USA)
- First Recipient of The Norman E. Borlaug Award, Iowa Biotechnology
Consortium (USA), 1988
- First Recipient of The Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Award for Outstanding
Service in International Educational Endeavors sponsored by Alpha ETA
Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, Texas A&M University (USA), 1988
- Member President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
(USA), 1990-1993.
- National Collegiate Wrestling Hall of Fame (USA), 1992
- University of Minnesota Athletic Hall of Fame, Lifetime M Club Achievement
Award, (USA), 1994
- The Big Ten (Athletic) Conference's-Centennial Scholar-Athlete Medal
1995, University of Minnesota (USA)
- Inauguration of the Norman Borlaug Institute for Plant Science Research,
De Montfort University, - - - Leicester, United Kingdom, 1997
- Jefferson Lifetime Achievement Award, (USA), 1997
- Achievement Award, Facultad de Estudios Superiores (Zaragoza), Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico), 1997
- Lifetime Service Award Towards Lessening Pains of Hunger, Awarded
Jointly by Texas A&M University, University of Minnesota, Iowa State
University and Cornell University, (USA), 1998
- Dependence-to-Abundance Award, All India Coordinated Wheat Program,
- Altruistic Green Revolution Award, Indian Council of Agricultural
Research, (India), 1998
- The Variety Clubs International Humanitarian Award (Canada), 1998
- The Vannevar Bush Award (USA), 2000
- The 2002 Rotary International Award for World Understanding &
Peace, Barcelona, Spain