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Ushering the New Green Revolution:
How Can Biotechnology Contribute to Food Security?
of Opportunity: The Role of Biotechnology in Agriculture' Conference,
London, UK.
May 31 - June 1, 2001
By C.S. Prakash, Center for Plant Biotechnology Research,
Dept of Agriculture,
Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088;
The 'Green Revolution' anchored by the development of high-yielding
varieties of grains improved the lives of most people on this planet through
enhanced and affordable food supply, boosted incomes for millions of farmers,
and reduced the incidence of famine and starvation despite massive population
increases in the past few decades. Nevertheless, food insecurity and malnutrition
still persists in parts of the developing world. The causes for poverty
and hunger are varied and complex, but experts concur that sustainable
agricultural development will be critical in meeting future world food
needs, reducing poverty and protecting the environment. To further increase
agricultural productivity equitably-in an environmentally sustainable
manner in the face of diminishing land and water resources-is a highly
challenging task ahead. Knowledge-based approaches including transgenic
crops and genomics can provide powerful solutions enhance food security:
by improving local agricultural productivity, minimizing the use of chemical
inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers, insulating crops against losses
from diseases and pests, curtailing post-harvest losses including food
spoilage, improving food quality and nutrition, increasing crop tolerance
to stress factors such as drought and problem soils, and through the production
of 'value-added' products. Biotechnology can expedite the development
of new varieties and also enhance marginal crops like millets, plantain,
grain legumes, cassava and sweetpotato that are important staples in the
developing world. Unlike the' green revolution' approach, which entailed
the use of high capital inputs, biotechnology delivers the added value
primarily through the seed. Thus, it is conceptually a 'scale neutral'
technology: small farmers can benefit from it as much as rich farmers,
if the improved plant material is accessible and affordable. Judicious
application of biotechnology can boost rural incomes and thus improve
the purchasing power of a marginalized section of the developing societies.
The integration of biotechnology into agricultural research in the developing
world is fraught with many hurdles that must be addressed including financial,
technical, political, environmental-activist, intellectual-property, biosafety
and trade-related issues. Considering the constraints, it is important
to focus the application of biotechnology to a few strategically chosen
high-priority areas where the technology provides the most gains. Public
sector institutions and international organizations such as CGIAR have
major responsibilities in facilitating the integration of biotechnology
into agricultural research in developing countries. Adequate biosafety
regulations must be first developed to ensure development, testing and
release of new crops. Private sector can facilitate biotechnology development
and public acceptance through offer of their core technologies on a 'royalty-free'
basis for use on staple crops by public institutions as this would also
pave way for subsequent introduction of their commercial crops in these
countries. To ensure that developing countries can harness the benefit
of this technology with minimal problems, concerted efforts must be pursued
to create an awareness of its potential benefits and to address the concerns
related to its use through dialog among the various stakeholders: policy
makers, scientists, trade groups, food industry, consumer organizations,
farmers groups, media and NGOs.
To hear this speech in full, as well as the other speakers at this conference,
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